Whitaker’s family therapy counseling theory (experimental)

Psychology Avije
6 min readFeb 1, 2023


When we think of counseling and therapy, family therapy is one of the first words that come to mind. As you know, there are different solutions and theories to treat any problem or mental illness, etc. Depending on what kind of problems you have and what solutions you need, the family counselor will determine your type of treatment. Speech therapy is also one of the treatment approaches used in experimental family therapy or Whittaker family therapy. Whittaker’s theory of family therapy is one of the most important and practical theories in the field of family counseling, which can help you and your family a lot.

In this article, the counselors of Avijeh Family Counseling Center have tried to provide you with complete and useful information regarding experiential family therapy. If you are looking for a suitable solution and approach to solve your family’s problems, but you don’t know which theory or therapeutic solution to use, then don’t miss reading this article.

What is the theory of experimental family therapy?

Experiential family therapy, as the name suggests, is a type of therapy that involves immersion in a specific experience. Experiential family therapy counseling is also known as Whitaker family therapy or experiential family therapy. This form of therapy uses tools such as psychodrama, music, role-playing, art, props, animal interactions, and outdoor excursions for therapy. Action is very important in experiential family therapy. Because when a person is involved in the body and doing something, he has access to psychological elements. Action can also lead to change, says clinical psychologist Sabrina Romanoff. By doing, one can think of newer ways.

So experiential family therapy is associated with things that a person should do and experience. to get a good result. This therapeutic approach allows the couples therapist or family counselor to see your actions and feelings in a realistic way as you engage in new activities.

Types of family therapy Whitaker

Family counselors use different types of Whittaker family therapy to treat and improve people’s conditions. Some of the most important and practical types of experiential family therapy are:

Drama therapy

This type of experiential family therapy is also known as psychodrama. Drama therapy is the most common form of experiential family therapy. In this type of therapy, the family counselor tries to help the person release any negative or repressed feelings associated with the situation by recreating or recreating conflicting situations in a safe environment.

music therapy

Family counselors use music suitable for a person to make positive changes in his behavior and performance.

art therapy

In telephone family counseling, art therapy, which is one of the types of experiential family therapy, is used to help the person work through conflicts and gain more self-awareness. In art therapy, various tools such as painting, sculpture and drawing are used for better and more effective treatment.

Play Therapy

This type of Whitaker family therapy is usually used when the client or patient is a child. The family counselor uses play therapy to diagnose and resolve psychological problems that children cannot express through words.

Outdoor therapy

Outdoor therapy includes wilderness therapy, adventure therapy, etc. This type of experiential family therapy combines nature outings, adventure activities, and therapy sessions. Outdoor therapy helps people to reduce stress and anxiety and better communicate with the family counselor.

Animal-assisted therapy

Sometimes and depending on the situation, interacting with animals and taking care of them can be a therapeutic solution. Animal therapy sessions can include animals such as horses or dogs.

Introducing the most important technique in experimental family therapy

The techniques used in experiential family therapy can vary depending on the type of therapy and the individual’s problem. Psychodrama is the approach most people associate with experiential therapy. Psychodrama involves the reconstruction of critical situations from past relationships and aims to work on specific therapeutic outcomes in the form of a drama.

In psychodrama, the client dramatizes a situation that has occurred in his life. There may be a problem or situation in the past for a person that continues to have a negative impact on his psyche and life. Using psychodrama, one brings this issue to the present time and the same location. Where it can be proactively dealt with and the problem solved once and for all. Family counseling using psychodrama gives the person the opportunity to play his role well in a safe space and re-enact the situations.

The family counselor tries to create a space between fantasy and reality that allows the person to develop new ways of reacting to the situation. Each time it is re-enacted, one comes to understand and find a more consistent way of reacting to that situation. Using drama allows a person to pause while acting out a situation to process what has happened.

What kind of people and circumstances can experiential family therapy be useful for?

There are many mental illnesses and conditions that can be solved using Whittaker’s therapeutic theory. Some of the most important mental illnesses and mental health conditions that can be properly addressed using Whittaker therapy are:

♥ Anger management for people who cannot control their anger and get angry and angry even for small and trivial issues.

♥ To treat anxiety and stress of people who have too much anxiety and cannot manage it.

♥ Whittaker’s therapeutic theory can also be used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

♥ Treatment of behavioral disorders

♥ Mental illnesses such as depression, despair and distress can also be treated with experiential family therapy.

♥ Treatment of appetite disorders

Treatment of behavioral disorders, especially in children and adolescents

♥ Eliminating sadness and creating joy and happiness in the family

♥ Coping with fears and phobias

♥ Resolving family disputes and improving family relationships

♥ Dealing with drug use or alcohol

♥ Treatment of people who have been severely injured by an accident or situation.

What are the benefits of experienced family therapy?

Of course, each treatment approach has its own unique advantages. After the investigations and researches, telephone family counseling has considered the following as the most important advantages of experienced family therapy:

Resolve the situation

Whittaker’s therapeutic theory can help you explore and reconstruct past traumatic or conflicting situations. Additionally, it can help you release any negative feelings you’ve been holding back and improve your situation.

emotional processing

In experiential family therapy, family counselors act in such a way that the intensity of a person’s feelings appears. This helps to allow for deeper emotional processing.

Avoidance reduction

Of course, you may have gone through bitter situations and memories. These memories make you tend to avoid thoughts, people, places, or conversations related to those difficult situations you experienced. Experiential family therapy helps you face these events or people and solve your problem for good.

Changed views

Drama and psychodrama allow a person to put himself in the place of others and look at the issue from different points of view. This can help you see other people’s perspectives and understand their motivations. Whittaker’s therapeutic theory helps people accept, forgive and forget memories and events over time.

Creative expression

Various types of experiential family therapy, such as music therapy, art therapy, and drama therapy, can help you express yourself creatively.

last word

Whittaker’s theory of therapy is a comprehensive and practical form of therapy. which uses different tools and methods of expression. This type of therapy can help you explore difficult situations, process your emotions, and see any issue or problem from a different perspective. Using this type of therapy, family counseling helps people expand their perspectives and perform at their best when faced with problems or difficult decisions. You can even improve your creative expression by using experiential family therapy.

If you have personal or family, marital, etc. problems and you feel that you can get help from Whitaker’s therapy theory to improve your condition. So you should go to a family counselor who is skilled in this field. You may prefer to use music therapy or drama therapy to heal yourself or explain issues and problems. So, you should seek advice from a family who is an expert in this field and has expertise. With Moffit’s best wishes for you, Avijeh Consulting Center.




Psychology Avije
Psychology Avije

Written by Psychology Avije


Providing counseling services in the fields of family, marriage, divorce, child rearing, all kinds of disorders in Avije counseling center

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